I'm really excited, about the changes taking place for Books 4 Men. I have a bunch of stuff to tell you.
For starters, I’m thrilled about some of the new things that are in the works for this blog. I'm working on getting the word out about this fantastic blog designed 4 men.
In addition, I've connected with a Tywebbin blog tours and other members in the book community to try and get some of their outstanding authors to stop by and chat with us about books for men.
It may seem that the blog is moving in all sorts of different directions, but our goals remains the same, to identify and create the best possible resources of information and services for men who like to chill out with good read.
If you have a favorite author who you would like to see here, let me know and I'll do may best to reachout to them.
I thank you for coming along on this journey to a better blog, so stay tuned, because more exciting things are in store for the upcoming weeks and months ahead.