Monday, November 16, 2009

Good Books For African American Men To Read

Before I Forget by Leonard Pitts, Jr is on my list of good books for African American men. It may be Leonard Pitts Jr's first novel, but it bares the epic trademarks of a "how to" handbook for men or anyone trying to deal with some of the curve balls that life may throw you.

To be frank, honestly, I have to admit, I've not had the pleasure of reading the book.

I begin each quest for a new addition to the list of good books for men, by seeking a book with positive reviews from others,  before under taking most of my literary journeys. At first, I wasn't really impressed with what other reviewers were saying what about Pitt's new book.

By chance, I stumbled across a review on the blog "The Pleasing Spoon" by Tavares S. Carney, that mentioned how the story created an awareness, "to the challenges people face as they age and the emotional turmoil a medical diagnosis can bring".

One would expect a good book for black men to have drama, intrigue or a diabolical plot. Especially,  a book from a Pulitzer Prize winning author. To convey awareness and tackle a issue at the heart of the struggles of modern families is Steinbeckian, Shakespearean and Sinclairian.

It also solidifies the African American author's innate resolve to speak to the hearts, minds and spirits of his readers. Even in a novel. Just as he did in the aftermath of 9-11 and consistently does twice each week in his Miami Herald newspaper column.

It also makes declaring this new novel, a good book for African American men, even before I read it,  a hands down choice. I've linked to Carney's reviews of "Before I Forget" for anyone reading this and not thoroughly convinced to give the book a try.

I should admit one last thing to you. I'm a on again, off again fan of Leonard Pitts Jr., but I'm also the kind of reader who is only game for good reads and not just any old book can get my vote of confidence.

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